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Allegiant Experts
Jun 6, 20193 min read
Opioid-Making Company, Insys Settles Fraud Case For $225 Million
The word “opioid” has practically become foul language, hasn’t it? The name, which once stood solely as a description of a family of pain...
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Allegiant Experts
Aug 9, 20183 min read
New Jersey Man Pleads Guilty For “Speaker Programs” Sham
As many fraudsters throughout the United States have proven, there is a lot of money to be made through health care fraud scams. The...

Allegiant Experts
Jun 14, 20173 min read
Woman Quits Drug Company After Being Forced To Lie On The Job
Patty Nixon used to work for an Arizona-based drug company called Insys Therapeutics. Insys derives all of its profits from selling one...
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