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Bakersfield Chiropractor And Co-Conspirators Guilty Of Health Care Fraud

Writer: Allegiant ExpertsAllegiant Experts

Chiropractic care has an interesting place in the world of medicine. One of the reasons is because chiropractors never prescribe any medicine at all. The chiropractic method of helping patients to reach optimum health statuses is the performance of adjustments on their spines. The main purpose of adjustments is to help strengthen the central nervous system.

Most people assume that chiropractors are simply back pain specialists.

And while back pain relief is most commonly a major benefit of receiving chiropractic adjustments, it’s the return to a better state of overall health without the need for prescription drugs that is considered the biggest advantage.

Naturally, there is a requirement of patients to trust the process. Those who expect immediate results require more patience. Far too many people are used to the expeditious relief given them by the meds they’re often prescribed. However, in the chiropractic world, it’s understood that medications only mask the problems that are inevitably solved by adjustments.

It’s considered “healing from within”.

And many of those who have entrusted chiropractors to help restore their strength, balance and overall health while also alleviating their aches and pains, swear by the practice. All chiropractors, however, are not created equally. While most present themselves as reputable practitioners, there are those who have abused their positions to fraudulently attain higher incomes.

44 year-old, Na Young Eoh is one such chiropractor. As reported by this past Monday, she pleaded guilty to health care fraud. Working at Pain Relief Medical Health Centers, which was headquartered in Los Angeles and had clinics in Los Angeles County as well as in Bakersfield, Visalia, and Fresno, California, Eoh admitted to submitting bills to workers’ compensation insurers that were improperly billing for medical-legal evaluations she was not legally permitted to do.

She didn’t pull off this scheme alone as she had two co-conspirators. As explains, the first was 38 year-old Bahar Gharib-Danesh, another chiropractor who was the manager of Los Angeles-based Pain Relief Health Centers (PRHC). The second was John Terrence, a 72 year-old clinical psychologist of Marina Del Rey, California.

PRHC recruited workers claiming to have an injury.

“In treating the patients, Gharib instructed her staff to add as many injured body parts for treatment as possible to generate higher billings,” explains the site, “Nearly every patient was scheduled for the same treatments, and the maximum amount of treatments allowed by law was generally billed to the insurance company.”

“Eoh operated out of the Bakersfield Clinic, the Visalia Clinic, and the Fresno Clinic and would sign the treatment plans and referral forms,” continues, “Gharib directed Eoh to refer all patients who came into the clinic to Terrence for a psychological evaluation, regardless of the injury the patient reported, according to the indictment. If convicted, each defendant faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine on each count.”

Are you an attorney trying a health care fraud case?

The Allegiant Experts team is committed to helping attorneys who require clinical expertise. While you are surely an expert on legal issues, we provide experts on nursing practice and the health care system. If you could use our assistance, please don’t hesitate to call us at 407-217-5831 or email us at



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