Orthotic braces are devices that are designed to improve the function of movable body parts. Also known as orthoses, orthotic braces support, align, prevent or correct deformities. They are most commonly used to provide support and stability, relieve pain, enhance mobility and prevent injuries.
The individuals who most benefit from using orthotic braces are those with orthopedic injuries, such as athletes who compete in high-impact sports; older adults who contend with mobility issues; children with developmental conditions like cerebral palsy, spina bifida, or scoliosis; diabetics; and people with neuromuscular disorders such as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy or spinal cord injuries.
Texas doctor convicted of Medicare scam involving orthotic braces.
As reported by the Office of Public Affairs last week, 61 year-old, David M. Young has been found guilty. Last Friday, a federal jury convicted the Fredericksburg, Texas doctor of over $70 million in fraudulent claims to Medicare. They were for medically unnecessary orthotic braces and genetic tests that were ordered through a telemarketing scheme.
Both court documents and evidence presented at trial showed that Young signed thousands of medical records and prescriptions. They falsely stated that the ordered orthotic braces and genetic tests were medically necessary. As well, they claimed that Young diagnosed the Medicare beneficiaries and had a plan of care for them. He also recommended that they receive certain additional treatment.
Young prescribed braces and genetic tests for over 13,000 Medicare beneficiaries.
Those individuals included undercover agents who posed as different Medicare beneficiaries. Many of them, Young didn’t even see, speak to, or otherwise treat. The doctor’s false prescriptions were then used by brace supply companies and laboratories to bilk Medicare out of more than $70 million. Young was paid about $475,000 in exchange for signing the fraudulent prescriptions.
“The jury convicted Young of one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, and three counts of false statements relating to health care matters, each of which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison,” details the report, “He is scheduled to be sentenced at a later date. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.”
Medicare fraud is a serious issue in the United States.
As Scott Zamost and Contessa Brewer of CNBC report, taxpayers are losing more than $100 billion a year to Medicare and Medicaid fraud. This information is based on estimates from the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association.
“The proliferation of crime has taxed the inspector general, which has just 450 agents around the country,” they write, “The amount at stake is staggering: Medicare spends about $901 billion a year on its 65 million beneficiaries...The inspector general describes the fraud as prevalent and inventive, routinely ensnaring full-time criminals as well as legitimate doctors and health-care professionals gone bad, according to its annual reports.”
Are you an attorney who is currently working a healthcare fraud case?
The clinical experts at Allegiant Experts can help you! We coordinate and support courageous whistleblowers that shine lights on fraud, waste and abuse. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 407-217-5831. You may also email us at info@allegiantexperts.com.